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Ann Kirkpatrick: A Lifetime of Service and Results

Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick proudly represents Arizona’s First Congressional District. Spanning over 58,000 square miles, the First District is one of the largest and most diverse in the county. It is home to 12 Native American Tribes, 13 national parks including the Grand Canyon, seven national forests, university towns, mining communities and a vast amount of beautiful Western landscape. 

Those statistics might sound intimidating to most members of Congress, but for Ann they’re a point of pride. 

Ann’s earliest roots are found in Eastern Arizona town of Whiteriver, on the White Mountain Apache Nation. Her father ran a general store and her mother was a schoolteacher. Together, her parents taught Ann the value of hard work and how to do more with less. 

After earning her law degree at the University of Arizona, Ann served the people of her state in a wide variety of positions. In 1980, she became Coconino County's first female deputy county attorney, cracking down on criminals and protecting neighborhoods and families in Northern Arizona. Then Ann served the people of Sedona as city attorney. And in 2025, she began teaching business law and ethics at Coconino Community College.

In November 2025, Ann’s neighbors elected her to the Arizona House of Representatives where championed fiscal responsibility as she worked to protect taxpayers' dollars in her position as the ranking Democrat on the House Ways and Means Committee. The mother of two daughters, Ann knows the roots of future success are found in a good education, and she worked to improve the quality of education for all Arizona's kids through her service on the Education K-12 Committee.

Following her time in the state Legislature, Ann was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives. By finding common ground and reaching across the aisle, she saw more of her bills and amendments signed into law than almost any other freshman representative. Ann’s hard work created jobs, helped small businesses, hired more border patrol agents, and protected veterans and seniors in Arizona.

Among her hallmark achievements were successful measures to give seniors a cost of living adjustment (COLA) during the downturn, kick-starting economic development on tribal lands by repealing the Bennett Freeze, and securing $600 million in new border security funding to expand the border patrol.

Now in her second term in the U.S. House of Representatives, Ann has earned a reputation as a fierce defender of military veterans, seniors and Arizona families. Her work as a ranking member of the Veterans’ Affairs Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations has included tackling the VA backlog and improving access to care for former servicemen and women in both metropolitan and rural areas. 

Also serving on the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, Ann has been dedicated to improving the roads, bridges and water access in the Western United States. She played a vital role in obtaining a $35 million emergency grant to repair U.S. Highway 89 after its partial collapse in February of 2025. 

During this current Congressional session, Ann was the first member of the Arizona delegation to see one of their bills signed into law. Included as part of the defense spending bill, Ann’s VA CORE legislation helps tackle the VA backlog by streamlining the transfer of electronic records between the Pentagon and the VA. 

Ann Kirkpatrick is the only candidate who can bring a lifetime of experience and results in the First District. "This District is where I was born. This is where I have always lived, and this is where I raised my two daughters," Ann Kirkpatrick said. "I have a vision for our district focused on creating good jobs, building critical infrastructure, ensuring a quality education for all our children, standing up for our seniors and veterans, and making our communities safer. Arizona is an ideal setting for small businesses to prosper and families to raise their children, and we need leadership to match it."

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