She seems to be honest and forthright in her approach to her obligations. I simply admire her tenacity.
Navajo Advisory Group:
Mae-Gilene Begay – Program Director, CHR & Outreach Program, Navajo Nation Division of Health
Dr. Pauline Begay – Apache County School Superintendent
Percy Deal – Hardrock Chapter President
Lena Fowler – Coconino County Board of Supervisors
Jesse Thompson – Navajo County Board of Supervisors
Isabelle Walker – Executive Staff Assistant, Navajo Nation Office of the President & V.P.
Tom White, Jr – Apache County Board of Supervisors
Casa Grande Mayor Bob Jackson
Clifton Mayor Felix Calicotte
(Fmr) Flagstaff Mayor Sara Presler
Florence Mayor Tom Rankin
Kearny Mayor Sam Hosler
Sedona Mayor Rob Adams
(Fmr) Page Mayor Bill Justice
Winkelman Mayor Louis Bracamonte
Law Enforcement
Apache County Sheriff Joe Dedman
Coconino County Attorney David Rozema
Coconino County Sheriff Bill Pribil
(Fmr) Gila County Sheriff John Armer
Greenlee County Sheriff Larry Avila
(Fmr) Greenlee County Sheriff Steve Tucker
Navajo County Attorney Brad Carlyon
Navajo County Sheriff K.C. Clark
Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik
Pima County Attorney Barbara LaWall
(Fmr) Pinal County Attorney Jim Walsh
(Fmr) Pinal County Sheriff Roger Vanderpool
State Legislators:
(Fmr) Sen. Paula Aboud
Rep. Lela Alston
(Fmr) Rep. Tom Chabin
Sen. Andrea Dalessandro
(Fmr) Rep. Pat Fleming
Rep. Rosanna Gabaldon
Rep. Albert Hale
Sen. Katie Hobbs
(Fmr) Sen. Jack Jackson Jr.
Rep. Debbie McCune Davis
Sen. Lynne Pancrazi
Rep. Jamescita Peshlakai
(Fmr) Sen. Rebecca Rios
Rep. Victoria Steele
(Fmr) Rep. Theresa Ulmer
City and Town Council Members:
Casa Grande Mayor Pro Tempore Lisa Navarro Fitzgibbons
Casa Grande City Councilwoman Mary Korsten
Casa Grande City Councilman Ralph Varela
Clifton Vice Mayor Luis M. Montoya
Clifton Town Councilwoman Barbara Ahmann
Clifton Town Counciwoman Mary Arlene Beager
Clifton Town Councilwoman Armida Reyes Moir
Clifton Town Councilman Ray West
Eloy City Councilman Micah Powell
Flagstaff Vice Mayor Coral Evans
(fmr) Flagstaff Vice Mayor Nat White
Flagstaff Citycouncilwoman Karla Brewster
Florence City Councilman Bill Hawkins
Mammoth Vice Mayor Frances Wickham
Maricopa Vice Mayor Edward Farrell
Maricopa City Councilman Marv Brown
Maricopa City Councilwoman Julia Romero-Gusse
Sedona City Councilwoman Barbara Litrell
Sedona City Councilwoman Jessica Williamson
Superior Town Councilwoman Mila Besich Lira
County Supervisors
Apache County Supervisor Tom White
Coconino County Supervisor Art Babbott
Coconino County Supervisor Liz Archuleta
Coconino County Supervisor Matt Ryan
Coconino County Supervisor Mandy Metzger
Coconino County Supervisor Lena Fowler
(Fmr) Gila County Supervisor Shirley Dawson
(Fmr) Gila County Supervisor Joe Sanchez
Greenlee County Supervisor David Gomez
Maricopa County Supervisor Mary Rose Wilcox
Navajo County Supervisor Jesse Thompson
Navajo County Supervisor Dawnafe Whitesinger
(Fmr) Navajo County Supervisor J.R. DeSpain
(Fmr) Navajo County Supervisor Jerry Brownlow
Pinal County Supervisor Pete Rios
Education Leaders
Coconino County Superintendent of Schools Robert Kelty
Gila Community College Senior Dean Dr. Steve Cullen
Greenlee County Superintendent of Schools Tom Powers
Navajo County Superintendent of Schools Linda Morrow
(fmr) Pinal County School Superintendent Orlenda Roberts
Notable Figures and Groups
Dr. Richard H. Carmona, 17th Surgeon General of the United States
Chairman Ronnie Lupe, White Mountain Apache Tribe
Navajo Nation Council Naabik’iyátí’ Committee
White Mountain Apache Tribe
Chinle Agency Council
The Arizona Republic Editorial Board
The Arizona Daily Star Editorial Board
Tucson Weekly
White Mountain Independent
The Veterans' Vision
Ann is practical, principled and insightful. I first met Ann in the 1990's when she served as legal counsel to the Flagstaff Medical Center's Board of Directors. I was impressed by her ability to assess the legal implications of issues before the Board, explain these implications to a diverse and sometimes opinionated group and explain succinctly the options from a legal perspective.
I know that Ann, unlike others attempting to get her out for a tea party person, is a native Arizonian. She knows Apache County and Arizona. I lived on the Ft. Apache Reservation for 13 1/2 yrs. working for the Indian Health Service. I retired in 2025 as a Nurse Practitioner. My children went to school in Whiteriver on the reservation. As a medical person I feel that Obamacare is exactly what the American people need. We cannot let the Republicans, tea party, rabid religious right destroy this chance for the poor of America to get health care. I am a widow and do not have a lot of money, but it makes me sick to see the Koch Brothers' Americans for Prosperity ads running against Ann.
Thank You,
Martha Jo
I support Ann because she is an honest, dedicated, committed woman working for the average, Arizona person.
As a veteran, I am grateful for Ann's support and sponsorship of bills that will improve veteran's lives. She also supports jobs in Arizona for all of its citizens. We need Ann Kirkpatrick in Washington.
We need her in congress for Arizona, especially given the support by key groups (e.g. sheriffs, law enforcement). She pays attention to what Arizona needs, not simply for those "in power" or politics.
I am a retired envirornmental scientist. I appreciate Ann's point of view in this area.
Because she is the BEST!
I'm hating the witch hunt against her. And she is my candidate!
She alway supports the people she represents.
She cares about the well being of my children, and theirs more than corporate interests.
Shared values — to stop right-wing extremism.
She's on the right side of things. She will work for the people of Arizona.
She supports the same things I believe in.
Business always takes care of itself, but Ann cares about people!
Ann has shown her strong interest and diligent work for the benefit of Arizonans that she represents. She is an asset for Arizona.
She is a good person and I trust her to do a good job.
She has worked very hard for Arizona.
This state and country needs more strong Democratic women in Congress.
She is still strong, even after the GROSS ads from the Kochs brothers. She is the real deal, and she will win in the end.
Ann Kirkpatrick knows and understands Arizona's needs and problems.
I endorse Ann because she doesn't forget about the people she represents back in Arizona. She always votes with the people she represents in mind.
She is standing up for the Affordable Care Act. She knows that it will be a Godsend to millions of people in need of better healthcare.
She stands for ideas that I believe are good for the American people.
She cares about Arizona.
Ann has been a tireless voice for rural areas. She understands that we need strong, healthy communities if we are to push back against things like poverty and drugs.
Someone of Kirkpatrick's stature is needed to put and keep Arizona on the "good" path of growth in many areas.
Because she cares about people and wants to improve our state.
I have always been impressed with Ann. She votes her conscience which corresponds with my way of thinking and is strong in her dedication to the citizenry, the people with no voice. A voter cannot ask for more.
Ann Kirkpatrick cares deeply about the quality of education in our state. During her freshman term, she visited our schools on the San Carlos Apache Reservation. She also secured additional funding for a job training pilot program focused on at-risk youth in our community. In addition, she made it a priority to talk to our students during a visit to Washington, D.C. As a school administrator, I agree we must invest in our future, which is why I am pleased to endorse Ann Kirkpatrick.
She fights for women, workers, and students!
Ann is focused on the issues important to Arizona: Jobs, jobs, jobs. She has the leadership qualities to make things happen.
I am a Republican woman who supports Ann because of her strong stand for education, women, accountability in schools, and her willingness to be a true stateswoman, representing all of the citizens of Arizona.
I endorse Ann, because she is a person who works for all the people of her district and she truly cares about improving Arizona and our nation for the future. We need Ann. Dawn Knight, Arizona Native
She is a very highly qualified candidate and a good person (not often found in Congress) who did an exceptional job in her first 2 years as a congresswomen. We need her in order to complete the important initiatives she began when in office.
Ann has the experience, knowledge and intelligence to fight in Washington to protect Social Security,Medicare and Medicaid. She will work hard to protect Arizona's natural beauty, clean air and water. She will be there for the poor and the working families of Arizona. Ann will work hard to create good paying jobs. And, Ann will take a stand to protect and promote women's rights and equality from attack.
Ann is a great person of integrity, compassion, and understanding of the challenges the working men and women of Arizona and especially the huge CD 1, face now and into the future. She will be a voice of reason and a vote for the middle class and the rising class of Arizona.
I support Ann because she is a centrist who always seeks common ground to solve our myriad problems. She was born and raised in the district and has a deep understanding of the issues that confront us.
Ann K. has a truly balanced rational view of the common person's economic needs, real meaningful job creation, a very realistic environmental issues view, creating solid tax revenue and spend-managing tax money efficiently, she believes in a level playing field for all citizens no matter what age, ethnicity. (She has a sincere agenda to improve all Natives peoples' lives) or whatever political affiliation they are. Bottom line- Ann K. loses and it's back to the stone age we all go.
Experience in Congress and vision for Arizona and her constituents, because she knows and understands our state.
Ann is Arizona! Born and raised in the district, proven leader at the state and congressional level, she has provided much-needed leadership for our state.
I endorse Ann because I am Democrat and she is the candidate that alligns best with my ideals and principles.
Stalwart supporter of middle class. Energetic representative of the underdog rather than money interests.
I have worked with Ann for years since she first was elected to the AZ State Legislature where she always stood up for the children & future of AZ. No matter the educational issue Ann was a leader on these issues even before I would contact her. She also has a great record on human and civil rights which are important issues to myself. Ann is and will be again a great voice for Northern AZ!!!
I have known Ann for 30 years and she has always been a person that I would like to have on my side in the toughest of times. She is honest and knows how communicate and get things done. I can not think of any one better to represent the people of Arizona.... ALL the people of Arizona!
Ann Kirkpatrick supports improving the quality of education our state's children will receive which in turn will provide our state with an educated workforce for the 21st Century. She's smart, articulate and is willing to work cooperatively to get things done.
We need strong female leaders in AZ that will stand as role models for our daughters. She is articulate and thoughtful when she shares her views and always strives to represent a moderate approach that speaks to the diversity of AZ.
I believe in Ann's judgment to make the right decisions for our country and our state. She is pro-choice, which is very important to me and she shares my belief that health care should be affordable and available to all. She will truly represent all the people of her district regardless of their socio-economic standing, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity or color.
Ann has the right vision and is the best leader for Greater Arizona.
I have known Ann for many years. Ann has always represented the citizens of the Flagstaff community in a fair and balanced way.
Ann has the values that we need in Congress and will work hard to promote them.
Ann is a proven leader in District One. She's not an outsider and she will work hard for us.
I have met Ann a number of times. She is a person who wants to use her formidable talents to serve the people of Arizona with humility and honor. In a time when most politicians seem to want nothing more than reelection at any cost, Ann Kirkpatrick is a breath of fresh air. I want her to help solve America's problems and fully endorse her candidacy.
No matter where you live in Arizona, it is essential that our state be represented by people who know and understand the real needs of Arizona families and businesses. Ann Kirkpatrick gets it!
We need her leadership!
I endorse Ann only because I am convinced that she has the best interests of the residents in mind with every action she takes.
Ann has the knowledge, experience and heart to help lead Arizona through one of its most difficult times.
I endorse Ann because we need a strong-willed congress person to stand up to the bully tactics of the Republican Party. Also, we need her to bring back common sense solutions to uncommon challenges that our country is facing.
We need to return sanity to Congress!
We need to return sanity to Congress!
Ann knows Arizona inside and out. She is a true statesperson. Her concern for people's welfare and our environment, along with her gentle, wise, and balanced approach, will serve each one of us well when she makes it to Washington.
I endorse Ann because of her support of the middle class, tough love for members of Congress, and honesty about the issues facing her constituents and the U.S. overall.
Ann supports what the constituents in her district need and want. She has not shown me any willingness to roll over to strong opposition in order to further a different cause.
Ann reconnects politics to the people that it is supposed to serve. Her campaign reflects the core values of our democracy.
Hers is a voice of sanity, reason and common sense which is sorely lacking in our district. The "special interest" she will represent is her constituents - ALL of them. Arizona, and indeed, the entire country, needs Ann in the House of Representatives.
Ann Kirkpatrick represents the values and concerns of people who care about one another and taking care of our planet for the following generations.
She recognizes the extent of hunger in rural Arizona and supports effective hunger-relief programs.
Ann is far and away the best choice for Northern Arizona. Her values reflect those who live in her district and she will put the country's interests ahead of her own. I enthusiastically endorse her.
Ann is sensible, dedicated to achieving good, honest government in AZ and understands the issues involved. She makes a fine appearance and is also a very charming and considerate person.
She works hard for the people in her district, knows the middle class needs her help, and is really smart and kind.
She has always been willing and able to reach out to help members of her community.
I think she will once again do a great job of representing Northern Arizona.
Ann has the ability to work with different groups to accomplish wise goals.
I endorse and support Ann because I think she is our best hope for intelligent and fair representation in Washington.
Ann has always shown concern and commitment to quality education and the needs of children for safety and good health care. She studies every issue, never simply doing what the party recommends, but testing each bill for soundness.
Intelligent, thoughtful, independent, dedicated, experienced.
Ann brings a wide range of experience to the position and cares for people, especialy the working middle class.
Short and sweet, she is the best person for the job.
She supports women's rights, she has common sense solutions to complex problems,she can work with all people in Congress, and she is fiscally responsible.
I want a representative that does what is best for the district. Not one that panders to special interest groups. It takes courage to follow the right path and Ann Kirkpatrick has the wisdom and courage to do what is right for our district. Ann has my support and vote.
Ann best represents this large and diverse Congressional district due to her lifelong personal dedication and public service to its people.
We need a fighter like Ann who can represent our rural needs in Washington.
Ann has a track record of excellent service to her community. She cares about the future of Arizona and Arizonans. She would represent her constituents well in Congress.
Ann is dedicated to the people of her District. She works very hard to improve the lives of all residents of Arizona.
She is a native Arizonan with the right values, ethics and perspective to represent the needs of the people of greater Arizona in Congress.
Ann has the right values and will fight to stop the Republican Agenda in Congress. At this critical juncture we need every sensible vote we can get. I trust Ann Kirkpatrick to work for the people.
Ann is smart and fair. This is what we need in Arizona!
Ann represents my values. She did a great job when she was in Congress and will continue to work for her district and Arizona.
Ann represents my values as a democrat. I trust Ann. She has impeccable principles. She has past experience in congress, so she knows the ins and outs of legislating and she is very smart and personable. Ann has all of the qualities I admire and value as one representing me in congress.
Ann values the people of District 1, not the lobbyists.
Ann proved when she was in Congress before that she is an advocate for the hard-working citizens of Arizona. Her priorities and her heart are in the right place.
Ann has the knowledge, experience and heart to help lead Arizona through one of its most difficult times.
Because Ann cares about improving the quality of education for all Arizona children. Ann can be counted on to work hard to understand people's concerns and to fight hard to get results!
Has a reasonable perspective of what needs to be done to solve issues rather than add to the problematic 'finger pointing only' approach of so many legislators today.
As a Firefighter/Paramedic in Arizona, I know Ann will support issues that are important to public safety. I put my life on the line for the citizens of Arizona and know Ann will work hard for all of us.
Ann's two years in Congress benefited Arizona in ways that her Republican opponents in the House never could because the Republican candidates were bought and paid for by a small segment of the citizens of our state. When Ann is sent back to Congress, all Arizonans will benefit, not just the favored few.
Ann has always voted for the people of Arizona. She has NEVER taken the easy way out. She voted yes on the hard issues if it was in the best interests of Arizona and its people. Ann can be trusted.
Ann Kirkpatrick made good, positive progress in her first freshman term and I want to help her get back so that she can continue doing smart things for the citizens of northeastern Arizona. I know that she will be an asset to us regular people. Our rural citizens need jobs, Social Security and Medicare protection and environmental improvements. She will do that to the best of her ability. My family and I know it.
While she was in the AZ Legislature, she always had an open door policy. She was easily accessible to her constituents. While she was in Congress, Ann continued to fight on the same issues she did when she was in the AZ Legislature: Protecting Children, Working Families, Jobs and funding for Education.
"We need smart women, with integrity, who truly care about Arizona to represent our Arizonan and National interests in Congress."
"Ann has a balanced view and does not go to extremes or go with the crowd. She has a sound approach to protecting the fabulous natural resources of our state and promoting its economic health, without excluding any part of our community."
"She's a woman for the people and by the people. Ann is honest and down to earth."
"Ann has intelligence, thougtfulness and a balanced approach to all issues."
"I was impressed with the work Ann did in her original term. The current representative has totally opposite views from everything I believe in. When I have emailed his office regarding an issue, the most typical response is an automatic email stating how busy his office is. I supported Ann in the past and I like what she stands for. Unlike Paul Gosar she works for Arizona. She will also work to protect Medicare and Social Security."
"I support Ann Kirkpatrick because she understands the needs of rural Arizona."
"I strongly support Ann. She makes herself available, she comes from a rural area but has "big city" talent and is not arrogant."
"Ann has the concerns of everyday Arizonans at heart. On the other hand, Paul Gosar does not. He is a pawn for big business. We need Ann Kirkpatrick back!"
"Ann is a Western woman committed to issues that effect our region and in particular our lifestyle."
"The GOP incumbent has done nothing to try to address the jobs crisis, make the very wealthy pay a higher share of the tax burden, and is part of a do-nothing Republican House."
"Ann supports quality education for Arizona's children. She realizes that taking away from education, takes away from our future. Also, Ann the supports the common person and does not cater to big businesses and special interest groups. She sees the needs of all people in AZ."
"She best represents the needs of District 1, reflects my values and cares for Arizona."
"We need her support in Washington to bring some fairness back to the working people and retired folks that are being robbed of their rights and their future."
"Because she has the right priorities for Greater Arizona's working families and small businesses."
"Because Ann knows we have to protect Medicare and Social Security, not dismantle them!"
"Because she knows that for middle class folks, it's all about jobs."
She will provide the best for the middle class, the poor and veterans.
Ann supports the beliefs I hold to be dear — that there is a Heart and Soul that SHOULD be behind all laws created by Congress and our political leaders.
Because she knows what is best for the people of this state and this country, and works tirelessly to help make it happen.
We need real people to represent Arizona in Congress!
I believe she's more than earned her right to be re-elected for her strong stance on Veterans' issues! Keep up the great job!
I have always been able to rely on Ms. Kirpatrick for help negotiating the political system.
I am endorsing Ann because of her sensitivity toward elders struggling to live on fixed incomes.
Ann works for the people of Arizona.
As a Viet Nam combat veteran the enduring effects that remain in my life has left me with great interest in the well being of my fellow veteran's & how the V.A. system works and if it's SERVING all other veterans. I've only recently come to the V.A. and discovered the many unknowns mostly learned from fellow veterans. In these times we are experiencing there is a greater and greater need for advocates such as yourself to represent us! Thank you for all the hard work you accomplish for veterans and all of the residents of Arizona!
I've met Ann several times. Among her many fine qualities, one stands out: Ann is a very good listener. That's a wonderful and rare strength among politicians.
Because she fighting for what I believe in!
Ann is the best chance we have in Arizona to bring governing for the people back to our national politics.
Ms. Kirkpatrick is a symbol of Love, gratitude, respect and honor for all that she represents. She is a great ambassasor to all that she represents. There are no other words but to state that she is a very respectful, professional person, and our love and gratitude goes out to her for all the time and efforts she spends to assist us and others. She is a gracious person who thinks of others before her and knows what life is about. Our love and gratitute to this loving woman who dearly knows her status especially for the Veterans. She is one of a kind who goes above and beyond just to make things right! She represents Veterans and takes time to listen to others when not so many representatives do. We love Mrs. Kirkpatrick and pray she continues with the greatest job she was blessed with and we pray and hope she will continue to serve us in the near future. May God Bless her and her family.
She is good for my district and the state of Arizona.
Working families need all the allies they can get right now.
I agree with what Ann supports and works for. The more information that I receive regarding Ann, I am proud to be one of her supporters
She seems to be honest and forthright in her approach to her obligations. I simply admire her tenacity.
I support Ann because of her effective and caring actions to improve health care for veterans and rural Arizonans. She goes so far beyond a "bumper sticker."
I support her work on behalf of our veterans.
She's doing a great job!
She is the best all-around candidate to represent Northern Arizona.
Ann is a careful listener and communicates the needs of her constituents to a biased Congress. She is intelligent — she recognized the value of the healthcare bill but also recognized the website was a problem and articulated both!
She is for people having an opportunity to move up the economic ladder.
Ann champions Main Streeters.
We need more of Ann's kind in Congress.
Because I see her working tirelessly for her whole district. Not just special interests. She knows what the real Arizona is like and cares about us. She is not another carpetbagger doing what special interests tell her to do, but genuinely cares about the people of the District.
Ann has consistently stood up for the citizens of Arizona.
Because the lady does the job for us. She is for us, and we are for her.
We have met Ann and watched her work. She is a credit to Arizona, to women, and a Congressional leader to be admired.
Because she has always supported the people of Arizona.
I am endorsing Rep. Kirkpatrick because she is has the back of Arizona's middle-class, working families. She is also a moderate who will work with both parties-something badly needed to break the current congressional gridlock.
Ann IS Arizona. She understands our needs and is intelligent and thoughtful in her voting.
Ann is a devoted public servant who knows her district and has served its people well in Congress.
I trust her judgement and sincerity in looking out for Arizona.
I support her willingness to negotiate and listen to all sides of an issue. She stands strong for things she truly believes in, but sees the sense in working toward viable compromises, which seems to be a vanishing attitude these days. We need more elected officials like her!
She is an asset to the people in her district as we'll as to the people of Arizona.
Ann is a true Arizonan, working hard for the people of this state and forging bipartisan partnerships to do what is right for the people she represents.
She represents the working people of Arizona.
When a representative stands up for what our basic needs are as individuals and as a community both for today and looking into the future, then that is the person, in this case Ann Kirkpatrick, I want to represent our state and the folks in District 1. She makes me proud to say I live in Arizona.
I appreciate being represented by an intelligent, critical thinker like Ann.
Ann has been delivering for CD1. She has our interests and has been fighting for us.
I feel like Ann works really hard to meet the needs of all of the constituents in her huge district. When I was in DC last year with a group of local youth, she was our only representative who made the time to see us and make us feel welcome.
She is a strong advocate for education, rural interests in Arizona, environmental concerns, and will be a strong opponent to special interests and big money.
Ann is an intelligent, compassionate person who wants justice for all and works hard to make that come about.
She is a moderate Democrat and I resent the ads that lie about her — lots of cheap shots.
She is a real person and cares about people.
Ann has repeatedly stood up for the people and environment of AZ01 with her efforts to create jobs while supporting those who need help.
Ann K. is a problem solver for the people of Arizona. She is reasonable on different issues. It is obvious that she always tries to help people and make their lives easier.
She is working for the folks here in rural Arizona.
I believe she is honest in her attempt to help the people in her District by supporting programs. She listens!
I like her stand on the issues and what she has done so far. I don't like the smear ads against her.
Her strong support and efforts in Indian Country.
Ann believes in a woman's right to choose what is right for herself, she endorses badly needed assistance to the environment, animals, including us, who require it to be healthy and fertile to grow plants and animals in, and she endorses horrendously needed assistance to the people who are having such a terrible time doing things like getting food, clean water, finding a decent place to live, and being a part of society, despite challenges they might have.
Ann is far and away the best candidate for ALL the people.
We need someone to work for us and not for their own political career/gain.
Ann has been a great legislator and hard working representaive who works for the people and not for the big money and corrupt politicians.
Ann has shown she can collaborate with Arizona representatives "across the aisle" to pass bills that benefit Arizonans.
She is a hard working member of Congress who cares for Arizona and America.
She is balanced and makes good decisions for the benefit of normal people.
Ann is woking for all of us, not just in Arizona, but across the country. She is insightful, compassionate and forward looking.
We need her to continue her work.
She is the best person for the job.
She is a good representative of our district.
Ann is the best person for the job!
I like her comonsense approach to goverment.
Because she is an intelligent woman who will not bow down to ridiculous right-wing pressure. I admire her and what she is standing up for.
We need Ann and others that are standing up for the middle class and those that need help in our congress!!
Ann is smart and caring, as evidenced by the work she has done. She listens, learns, and takes helpful action!
She's experienced, speaks plainly and answers my questions directly without changing the topic to push her own agenda, and she has individual rights and jobs as her highest priority.
Ann is such a hard working Congresswoman, who has done an outstanding job representing this huge Congressional District. I especially appreciate her work on Vereran's Affairs.
She is doing a great job and helping the state and our veterans.
She is the type of representative we need in Congress now.
Because she is intelligent, educated, hard-working, and dedicated to public service — not personal publicity seeking or climbing the political ladder.
Ann Kirkpatrick is dedicated, trustworthy and most of all truly representative of the People, for the People and by the People.
I am a Senior, a Veteran, and a Small Business owner. Ann is the best advocate for all of us.
I observe Ann Kirkkpatrick's dedication to the welfare of all Arizona's people. I also abhor the smear campaign launched by the GOP.
She already has proven herself to be someone who works past differences and works for beneficial change wherever she can.
I believe in Ann!
I'm extremely overjoyed with her ideas for a change for the better. At last, someone who cares.
Because she is on the right side of issues that matter to all Arizonans.
A commonsense, moderate Democrat. A good balance against the extremists who have, unforunately, hijacked the Republican Party.
Because she cares about the people in Arizona.
She's doing a great job!
She is thoughtful and will make decisions that assist middle class lives in Arizona and the nation.
She appears to have more common sense than anyone else who is presently representing Arizona in the House of Representatives.
Because I think she will be good for Arizona. I believe she has the people's interest at heart.
She's the best candidate for CD1.
She is a good and committed, and deserves our trust.
Ann is a native of CD1 and understands the needs and issues of our people better than any other candidate.
All the evidence I've seen tells me that we couldn't find anyone in Arizona who could and would represent me as effectively as Ann does.
Ann cares more about working people and those who want jobs than about making big corporations richer.
I like her ideas and the way she votes. I thank Ann for her service.
I think Ann is honest and a leader who really cares about all the people in our state. She is willing to work with other leaders of both parties to benefit America and Arizona. She is not stuck in an ideology like some of our representatives and is willing to listen to all views and compromise for the best results to help we the people. I just admire her!
As a small business owner I want a problem solver who gets things done as I do every day. Big government vs small government? We need BETTER government! Ann's willingness to tackle tough problems is what we need more of in Washington.
She has a reputation for HARD WORK, FAIRNESS, and HONESTY.
I support Ann because she makes reasonable decisions and represents the people who put her in office.
I am originally from Window Rock, AZ, and love the work Ann does for the Navajo Nation and other tribes in Arizona.
Because she remembers her constituents, and hasn't given in to those who want to diminish our right to bare arms.
Honest, dependable and focused on Arizona — these words are consistent with Ann Kirkpatrick. Despite misleading out-of-state funded advertisements suggesting otherwise, Ann is one of us. She cares for Arizona!
Ann is working to move our country in the right direction, both domestically and in our foreign policy.
She is doing a good job for Arizona.
Because she really cares for us veterans!
Because with her diverse group of constituents, she has to be keeping a level head in her decision making--and she is doing just that.
She is a great representative for the great state of Arizona.
I just think she is smart, hard working and good for all Arizonans. We need people like her in congress.
Ann impresses me as a very hard worker who is sensitive to her constituents' interests and concerns, and who values service way above self-aggrandizement.
She is the best person for the job. She is dedicated, caring, and concerned about representing her constitutents to the best of her ability.
She is the best candidate - knows her constituents and what they need.
She is one of the strongest fighters in Congress for the young, old and especially for the disadvantaged among us. We all need her in Congress.
I am endorsing Ann because she belives in the people and has a great set of values. I want to vote for somebody who listens to me and her constituants and not just her own agenda which is going on these days.
She sponsored bill H.R. 4720, Taking Responsibility for Congressional Pay Act, to lower the salaries of Congressional members.
I like what she stands for. She is available and gives us many opportunities to meet her and show our support.
Ann thinks for herself and for the good of her constituents. She is independent in an political arena where independence is a rare and much needed commodity.
She's doing a great job for Arizona and all Americans!
She is thoughtful about meeting the needs of the citizens of Arizona.
Rep. Kirkpatrick has consistently shown that she truly cares about Arizona and her voting record backs it up. I think she's great!
i like her effective communications with the people in her district
She has been a positive voice in an otherwise negative Congress.
She is one of the hardest working candidates I know and represents my views. She is the kind of person I will support enthusiastically.
Your support for veterans--I have a grandson in Afghanistan with the Delaware National Guard. I also appreciate your support for the working men and women in our district. Thank you!!
Ann cares for the people who live in our district.
We are so fortunate to have a person like Ann as our representative in congress. She is dedicated to do the best for our district and our country, and put the hard work into making that happen.
She is good for Arizona and good for the country.
Her integrity and commitment to improving the middle class in this conservative state.
Ann has shown herself to be woman of integrity and values that match mine.
I think that it is important for me to support women to represent us who understand the needs of everyday working families.
Because she has done an excellent job representing this District. Ann has the knowledge of the District, a strong work ethic, and the experience to continue. I will do all I can to help re-elect her.
Ann works hard for Arizona. She supports the values that I believe in.
As former nurse and legal, healthcare and insurance executive, I endorse Ann Kirkpatrick for Congress for her courageous and upright support of the families of Arizona and fighting for their needs.
I had been attempting to resolve my brother's student loan resolution for over 4 years but it was with the assistance of Ann's staff that we may have resolution after 4 months. I have to give a shout out to Christian in her Flagstaff office for his assistance in this very stressful matter.
As a political scientist, with deep roots in the Southwest and Arizona, I care deeply about our state the environment and people. Hence I watch elected officials both in Washington, in Phoenix and in the communities and counties. Ann shares those roots and commitment. I usually agree with her votes in Congress and when I rarely have a different perspective, I appreciate that she has strong reasons for her vote and is representing a sizeable constituency that hold a similar position. I am very proud of her courage and commitment to her district and our state and country. At a time when big money such as that of the Koch brothers are intimidating many of her colleagues, I am proud of her integrity and courage.
Because she is the best person to represent the people in her district.
Ann Kirkpatrick is serving in Congress for all the right reasons. She says what she means, and means what she says. Ann isn't "owned" by anybody. Her loyalty is to her District and the people who live and work there.
Ann will fight for us in Congress.
Her stand on issues that matter to me, especially help to families in need. This often means single-parent families.
She stands strong for seniors and retirees.
Ann represents the heart of Arizona. She understands our values and she fights to see them protected.
Ann is a product of the rural communities in her congressional district and is genuinely committed to protecting and promoting our uniquely diverse economic, social, and cultural values. Ann's the real deal, not a politically designed image! I'm proud to endorse Ann Kirkpatrick's reelection to Congress.
I think she tries to be fair in representing the diverse interests of the Congressional District constituents and will listen to all sides.
She is a woman of integrity who consciously deliberates every issue and strives to find the common ground and solutions that will benefit her constituents.
Outstanding representative of all Arizona citizens without exceptions.
She knows what is important to the people in her congressional district and works hard for us.
Ann represents what is best for our community, state and nation. Her philosophy represents what is best for my children and grandchildren.
Her hard work for our district and representation is outstanding!
Ann has done a great job for the American people, and is always fighting for the things the U.S. needs
She's a wonderful supporter of Arizona and its citizens.
I am supporting Ann Kirkpatrick for Congress because she consistently supports working families in Arizona.
She is a rational, moderate candidate who is willing to cross party lines and rigid ideologies to find common sense solutions to our many complex problems.
We know that she will work really hard for all the diverse groups that make up her district...young, old, working, unemployed, retired, women, men, insured, uninsured, and, of course, our many veterans!
Ann Kirkpatrick has integrity, is industrious and dedicated to making life better for everyone, and is a outstanding woman.
She works hard for the people.
I'm for the working class. And we need people like Kirkpatrick to help us.
I support Ann because she's fighting for women's rights! Her speech on the floor of Congress was amazing! She is working for all Arizonans in District 1.
She has the welfare of her constituents as her reason for being in office--not just furthering a political career.
She does a great job for Arizona!
She works for and knows the needs of the middle class. She actualy wants to help, not get in the way.
She cares about Arizonans. She fights for Arizonans. She not a part of the gridlock brigade.
We need a strong, reasonable voice and vote for our nation.
She stands for what I stand for.
She continues to support the issues that are important to me, and she communicates her positions well.