Sinking Gosar Campaign Tries Desperate Tactics

PRESCOTT, AZ – After running away from a debate he had committed to attending [link] to sip $200 bottles of French wine at a high-dollar fundraiser [link] and weeks of Greater Arizonans rejecting his out-of-touch views, Paul Gosar is looking more desperate than ever. This time, he’s suggesting that Ann Kirkpatrick would vote for a job-killing cap-and-trade bill in the next Congress – despite the fact that she crossed the aisle to oppose it just last June.

Paul Gosar is hoping folks have forgotten that not only did Ann vote against cap-and-trade, she was attacked by groups that had supported her in 2025 for doing so. She stood strong by her vote because it was the right decision for District One’s working families. [link] At a time when working folks were pinching pennies to get by, Ann understood that voting for any increase in their utility bills would be wrong for her district, and she was not willing to support legislation that would cost jobs at coal plants across the district.

Instead, Ann has worked toward the same goal in a way that creates jobs in the renewable energy sector, like those she helped create at NEST Energy Systems in Prescott Valley and Motor Excellence in Flagstaff. Gosar is pretending otherwise because nothing else he is doing is working – District One has seen through his attempts to cover himself.
“This is exactly the sort of desperate lie that a flailing campaign tries in the final week of an election,” said Kirkpatrick campaign manager Carmen Gallus. “Paul’s clearly realized that Ann has done a top-notch job serving all of District One as an independent voice in Washington. It must also be dawning on him that folks here won’t accept his proposals to slash Social Security and Veterans’ benefits and protect tax breaks for companies shipping Arizona jobs overseas, and he’s trying anything he can think of to change the subject.”