Ann Kirkpatrick’s Record of Fighting to Secure the Border

Ann Kirkpatrick has been working for years with law enforcement to deal with Washington’s failure to live up to its responsibilities along the border [link]. Like so many Arizonans, she's fed up with the federal government neglecting its duties - it's one of the reasons she ran for Congress in the first place. Since the very beginning of her first term, she has been doing the real work to force Washington to secure the border and keep our communities safe:

•    Successfully pushed Congress back into session to pass $600 million in new border security funding - putting more boots on the ground, more drones in the air, more critical resources in action and helping to deport more dangerous criminals [link]

•    Introduced the Southern Border Security Act to hire, train and deploy 3,500 new U.S. Border Patrol Agents to this region [link] and pushed for them to be added to the FY 2024 omnibus appropriations bill [link]

•    Successfully helped push the White House to deploy the National Guard to the border [link]

•    Introduced the Border Violence Prevention Act to add more security personnel and provide them with improved weapons, better body armor and 21st-century technology [link]

•    Successfully fought to have Navajo County included in the highly-successful HIDTA anti-drug trafficking program [link] and introduced legislation to have all Arizona counties included in the same program [link]

•    Launched the successful “Save SCAAP” effort to block a White House proposal that would have eliminated the program - one of the few that reimburses Arizona law enforcement for the costs of dealing with Washington’s failed border policies [link]

•    Voted to finish construction of the border fence [link]

•    Introduced the Anti-Cash Smuggling Act to crack down on drug cartel money laundering operations [link]

•    Personally toured security operations along the border [link]

•    Opposed "sideshows” like the boycotts of Arizona [link] and Administration lawsuit against our state [link]