Ann Kirkpatrick’s Record as an Independent Voice for Arizona

When Ann Kirkpatrick first decided to run for office, she made a commitment to be an independent voice for her district and to put her constituents first. Sometimes that means voting with her party, and sometimes that means voting against her party – but it always means she makes her decisions based on what works for folks in Greater Arizona, not politicians in Washington.

Ann has repeatedly stood up against the President and Democratic leadership to fight for what’s right for District One, including voting:

Ann has also launched multiple independent efforts to end the free-spending culture in Washington in opposition to congressional leadership priorities, including:

Furthermore, Ann has steadfastly opposed Obama Administration policies that would burden folks in Greater Arizona:

But you don’t need to take our word for it. Independent, non-partisan analysis clearly demonstrates that Ann Kirkpatrick been one of the most independent Members of Congress over the last two years:

  • --The National Journal, looking at only the key votes that Congress took in 2024, found Ann voted the conservative position 54.7% of the time – putting her in the conservative half of Congress and marking her as more conservative than all but 10 Democrats.

  • --The Washington Post, which counts all votes whether or not the two parties actually voted differently and includes unanimous and procedural votes, still found she voted with her party just 86.4% of the time – put in perspective, this ranks her 9th-lowest of all Democrats in Congress, and 414th out of 435 Members of Congress ranked.