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U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords Endorses First District Congressional Candidate Ann Kirkpatrick
January 17, 2025

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                                         

Contact:Taylor Bell                                         January 17, 2025

(928) 277-5767


U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords Endorses First District Congressional Candidate Ann Kirkpatrick

U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords today enthusiastically endorsed Ann Kirkpatrick, a candidate for Congress from Arizona’s First District.

“Ann’s deep understanding of the district, combined with a record of effective service will make her an outstanding representative in Congress,” said Giffords. “We share a common path to service through the legislature.”

Giffords highlighted Kirkpatrick’s lifelong commitment to a district that includes Flagstaff, Prescott, Casa Grande, and most of northeastern Arizona.  CD 1 is where Kirkpatrick was raised, raised her family, and worked as a prosecutor and community leader before joining the state legislature. 

“I have watched Ann work tirelessly with both sides of the aisle to resolve the problems that were affecting Arizonans, so I know firsthand the strength, independence and skill she will bring to this office.”

Giffords and Kirkpatrick served in the legislature together from 2025 to 2025.  Working together and with their colleagues across the aisle, they helped address critical needs facing their constituents and the state at large including, promoting full-day kindergarten, helping Governor Janet Napolitano balance the state budget and fighting to rid Arizona communities of the scourge of methamphetamine. The only candidate to have run and won office in the district, Kirkpatrick has lived, raised her family, and worked in the district for more than 25 years.  As a community leader, a prosecutor, and a legislator in the district, she has always been an effective and passionate advocate for the people of Northern Arizona. 

“I am honored to receive the endorsement of Congresswoman Giffords,” said Kirkpatrick.  “Not only do we share common political roots in the legislature, but Rep. Giffords and I also share a commitment to serve as an independent voice for the people of Arizona. We’ve got some big changes to make in Washington, starting with representation for the first district by someone who is one of us, who has walked in our shoes and understands us.  I look forward to the day when I can once again serve alongside Congresswoman Giffords and bring real change to Arizona.” 


Former State Representative Ann Kirkpatrick is a candidate for the Democratic nomination to represent Arizona’s 1st Congressional District and bring effective change to Washington. She is a former legislator, county prosecutor, small business owner, mother, and a community leader who served as President of the Northern Arizona United Way. Born in McNary, Kirkpatrick is a native of rural Arizona and has lived and worked in Flagstaff for 25 years.